Lay’s Do Us a Flavor Chip Tasting & Voting Party

What is a friend? I will tell you … it is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.
-Frank Crane
I’m quirky, I’ll admit it and I’m really okay with that. I like doing silly things like Mega Bundt (two years in a row!) and just having fun. I think I have some amazing friends and I love that we can hang out together and just be ourselves silliness and all. I’m so grateful I’ve had a chance to connect with some fun North Iowa bloggers that I can hang with! We decided to have a get together. Of course get together’s are always more fun with friends, great food, and a fun theme!
Have you heard about Lay’s Do Us a Flavor Campaign? Each year they take submissions for new flavors. This year there are four finalists and we decided to really take our responsibility in taking on this #FoundFlavor Challenge.
Meet the Finalists:
There are four finalists we had to decide between: Wasabi & Ginger, Cappuccino, Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese, and Mango Salsa. We had a whole tasting station with pen and paper to document our thoughts on each flavor and a highly efficient method of voting – smiley face stickers!
We poured all the chips into their own sections which were labeled of course and the tasting began!

This picture totally cracks me up! I’m on the far left and you can tell that whatever I just tried I do not like. At. All. Next is Val, she is proof that we are totally qualified to take on this huge taste task. Look at how she is pondering the flavor in her mouth and making a very intellectual decision. Katy is to her right. She is closely inspecting her chip before tasting. Laura is deciding if she should take another taste or proceed to the next flavor. On the far right Jeni is recording her thoughts so she can make an educated vote. I told you we are all silly qualified for this job. So who won?!
Oh you’re no fun! I don’t want to reveal the winners and take the chance you’ll stop reading and go onto something else. 🙂
I want to tell you about a few other highlights from the gathering.

Check out this spread of deliciousness! We all brought some sort of goodie and had a potluck of delectable delights.
It was so yummy! The weather was so nice we sat outside on the deck and ate. We also talked, laughed, and of course tweeted about how much fun we were having.

We are a group of bloggers, what did you really expect? Seriously though, we had a blast! I can’t wait to hang with these girls again!
From left to right:
- Jeni from JeniEats, Twitter, Facebook
- Laura from All Things Travel, Twitter
- Val from Corn, Beans, Pigs & Kids, Twitter, Facebook
- Katy from Learning as I Go, Twitter
- Me if you don’t know where you are, welcome to, Twitter, Facebook
- Amy from Modern Rural Living, Twitter, Facebook
- BethAnn from It’s Just LIfe–Finding the Extraordinary in the Ordinary, Twitter, Facebook
- #FlatSara – Sara was out of town, but we had to include her! She has 3 blogs All In an Iowa Moms Day, Facebook, Travel with Sara, Twitter, Facebook, and Social Connections, Twitter, Facebook
Is this a shameless plug for my blogging buddies? Maybe, but I really love following them and plus, it’s my blog so I can 🙂 Seriously though, they are awesome to follow.
I guess you want to know about the results of chips taste now 😉 Alright, I won’t leave you in suspense and longer.
In third and fourth place we had the Mango Salsa #SaveMango and the Cappuccino #SaveCappuccino
Mango Salsa #SaveMango – In all fairness I could not try this one because I am allergic to Mangoes
- Tastes like Bath and Body Works would taste if you could taste!
- Gross—tastes like perfume
- Fruit and chips don’t mix!
- Too sweet and I agree—did taste like Bath and Body Works. Icky flavor.
- I was disappointed. I love mango salsa and thought this would be the perfect combo but it definitely fell short in my book.
Cappuccino #SaveCappuccino – as you can see above, Jeni and I were not fond of the Cappuccino
- Yuck!
- Don’t even like the smell.
- Better than expected!
- Not as bad as I thought!
- I hated these. Tasted like bad coffee creamer.
- Not as overwhelmingly sweet as I thought they would be. Kind of a dessert chip!
In second place we had the Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese #SaveBaconMac which happened to be my favorite
Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese #SaveBaconMac
- Cheesy!
- My fave of all the submissions
- Great but how could bacon be bad?
- Needs wavy texture! Love bacon though!
- These were okay—tasted like bacon.
- I expected more—they seemed ordinary.
Even #FlatSara helped us try out the chips. The winning submission from our group was the Ginger & Wasabi #SaveWasabi
Ginger & Wasabi #SaveWasabi
- I like wasabi but the addition of ginger ruined it for me.
- My favorite by far! I <3 the ginger.
- Love it.
- My favorite—would buy these!
- I might try wasabi now!
- Best of the 4—love the kettle cooked crunch with a hint of ginger to offset the wasabi.
- I liked the refreshing and different taste.
Have you tried them yet? What was your favorite?
This is soo funny!!! Thanks for your honest opinion!!! I can’t wait to try the cheese mac ones
It was so much fun!! You should definitely try it!
I’ve tried all but the Ginger & Wasabi. The Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese was my favorite. The Cappuccino was ok….and I did not care too much for the Mango Salsa.
Your thoughts line up quite a bit with ours. The Ginger & Wasabi actually won in our taste test.
Great Post!! It sure was a great time by all! 🙂
hmm I’m thinking the cheddar bacon mac would be the ones for me maybe. What interesting flavors. Your tasting party looked like lots of fun thanks for sharing the results.
Bacon Mac n Cheese – YUM!! That would be my vote too 🙂
It looks like you had a great time and even #FlatSara seemed to be enjoying herself too!! I think the Bacon chips would be the only ones you could get me to try. I am a very picky chip eater. You all were braver than me!
#FlatSara was very quiet that evening, but I think she was just taking it all in. She had a wonderful time 🙂
I have not tried them yet- I wish they would release these in 4-packs of smaller bags, then I don’t have huge bags of chips I hate going to waste !!! But I’m guessing just from the descriptions- wasabi ginger will also be my fave.
Jeni from JeniEats also did a write up today –
She said she saw snack sizes of the Cappuccino at Casey’s so maybe some places have them. You could always use it as an excuse to have a tasting party with your friends which I highly recommend 🙂
I haven’t tasted any of these flavors, but I do really like Lays brand. My favorite Lays is Salt and Vinegar. Looks like you ladies had a terrific time!
Salt & Vinegar is my all time favorite too! 🙂
I want to try all of the flavors!!!
Too funny! It looks like you all had a great time!
We really did! 🙂
That looks like so much fun! The bacon mac and cheese looks delicious 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing.
What a cool group of you, GALZ!
Fun, fun outside and inside!
Great flavors, too!
But I was thinking about that Cappuccino flavor….I guess I was on the right track!
Loved your evening, GALZ!
Thanks, Laura Boo! It’s so much fun having local bloggers to hang with. There’s another fun one I know who lives in FL. 😉
I am looking forward to seeing you and hanging out around Christmas!
Love these pictures! 🙂 Looks like you all had a great time!
Thanks! We had so much fun!
I’d love to try the bacon mac n cheese! I’m not a huge wasabi fan!
Looks live you guys had an awesome time and I cannot wait to try these new flavors myself. Also, I loved the spread of food you guys had, it all looked so tasty
It was very tasty! These girls know how to make some delicious food!
GREAT post and GREAT fun!!! Thanks for being my bloggy friend, Donna, and for making our group even better with your presence!!! Let’s do it again SOON!
Thank you for hosting! I had so much fun. You all are the best! 🙂
How fun! Looks like y’all had a blast! I think Bacon Mac & Cheese would totally be my favorite 🙂
I love this! What a fun party! I actually really like the Cappucino ones! 🙂 But the Bacon Mac are my favorites! Thanks for sharing this! I felt like I was at your party!