DIY Coffee Face Mask Recipe
This is one of my favorite face masks. It’s a purifying mask. I put this one before I shower in the morning and leave it on for about 10 minutes. It’s really great for cleaning out pores and the coffee scent is a great pick me up. It’s really easy to make too. In fact, you probably have everything you need already.

- 1/2 cup ground coffee (you can grind beans, I just used the instant)
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder
- 1 c whole milk
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp honey
All you have to do is combine the ingredients. I combined mine in a blender. It’s just that simple!
The end result is a little liquidy but it goes on as a thin film. I leave it for about 10 minutes.
Another advantage to making your own face mask besides saving money is that it’s non-toxic. It costs less, is better for you, and works. You should definitely try it 🙂

Could I make it beforehand and refrigerate?
Could I make this beforehand and refrigerate it?
Wow this is almost edible. I’ll have to try it. I’ve read caffeine helps deflate. Shall see.
I had to save this recipe for this face mask. I am always looking for new face masks, and they are so expensive.
I’m going to try this. I didn’t know coffee would make a good face mask.
I could save so much money making my own, thanks. And I like the coffee smell pick me up also.
I am definitely going to try this. I love to use real ingredients that are safe and non toxic, just great!!!!!
I really enjoy do it yourself hair and body masks. It saves so much money and you know exactly what’s in it.
Another great tip from you! Thanks!!! I think I will have to whip up a batch. Anything to help make me beautiful!
The mask has really helped my face 🙂
And, I do think you are beautiful inside and out! I’m glad to be able to call you a friend.
This sounds great. I am going to have to try this one for sure. Coffee is good for many things!!