Xiao Long Bao

My brother in law loves soup dumplings. So when we all went to San Francisco the first thing he looked for was good soup dumplings. We found Xiao Long Bao on Clement Street.

He ordered his soup dumplings. They were really good!

I love that you can watch them make everything right as your ordering. Everything is super fresh. There was a constant line in the restaurant which is always a great sign of good food.

I ordered the steamed buns and they were delicious! In fact it was my first time having them and I am a little obsessed with them now. I am always looking for them now. The same way my brother in law looks for soup dumplings when he travels.

I even saved some for my plane ride home the next day. It was totally good cold!

I’ve even tried to make the steamed buns at home and it was a complete fail. I guess I need to visit Xiao Long Bao again!
I think its xiao long bao and not xiao bao long. Lol! I eat this every weekend with my family. Good chinese food are like comfort food for me and my family. Its the best!
You are 100% correct! Thank you for catching that. It is so good!!
Wow! This makes me want to go there. I love Chinese foods so much especially their steamed dumplings! So love it! Thanks for sharing this!
This looks so interesting! I’d like to try this
I have never even heard of them. That looks AMAZING!
Oh wow, these all look so good, I got starving all over again and dinner was not long ago, so had to stop and have another mini-dinner. I’d be tempted to try to make them, too. Maybe you need to keep trying, or try another recipe. I want to look into this. I love trying new ideas. I’ve been making veggie sausage lately, a flop or two when I didn’t use the recipe exact, but it still got eaten.
You’re probably right. I can’t find them locally and they’re so good!
I absolutely love wonton soup and that looks like a really good one. Now I am craving it.
I love all the pictures of the buns and the soups. You can tell they were tasty by how good they look.
The steamed buns look awesome! I’ve never had either of these things. I’m not sure that I can find them here though
Those steamed buns looks yummy. What is stuffed in it? Just curious.
One had cabbage and the other had pork (the reddish one)
Everything looks good! I haven’t had soup dumplings or steamed buns, but if I’m ever in San Francisco I will definitely stop there!
These look good if I ever go to San Francisco I gotta try them
This meal looks amazing! We tried them in San Francisco too. I’m not sure where to find good ones in the Twin Cities-I’m sure someone makes them. I admire you making the steamed buns at home. Never tried to but would love to learn.
It was a complete disaster, haha! If you find some good ones I’d totally meet you there for lunch! I haven’t found any close to here either.
That looks so good! I need to find a place where we live that has food like this!
Steamed buns? Any idea how they make them? They look so doughy! And do they always have filling, or are they also served like bread at other restaurants? Thanks!
I did try to make them from this recipe here: https://www.thekitchn.com/fall-recipe-vegetarian-steamed-156277
My attempt was terrible. They usually have a filling like pork or veggies. You buy the as an entree 🙂
Oh my goodness do those ever look delicious! They are even kind of pretty in a way.
I’ve never had those but your blog post and photos are making me WANT to put it on my foodie bucket list on my travel bucket list to try someday!
You should totally try them! They’re so good!
Wow, those steamed buns look so good! I have never had them before, but now I am on a mission to try some! Thank you so much for sharing.