The Mason City Sculpture Walk
Have you ever been on a sculpture walk? There’s one in my own backyard – well 30 minutes south of me. I spent the day checking them out with my Mom and twin sister. Okay, they’re not really my mom and twin sister. I also know I tell you that’s a story for another day all the time. I think today is the day to tell you why I call them my mom and twin sister.

Me, my twin Jeni, and my mom Beth Ann
I met Beth Ann and Jeni when I moved to Iowa and went to a Social Media Breakfast. They are fellow bloggers and we just clicked. We had all attended a press trip and one morning someone told me that my parents (Beth Ann and her hubby Chris) were up and my sister was still sleeping. I told her thank you and giggled inside.

Beth Ann, Jeni, and me
After that incident Jeni and I started calling Beth Ann and Chris “mom” and “dad”. Then when I was messaging Beth Ann one night she called me Jeni. I joked that we looked alike and then we started telling others we were identical twins. I mean we do look pretty identical.

It’s hard to tell, but this is my twin Jeni 🙂
The story has grown and now we’ve told people we were conjoined at birth (my mayor helped us come up with that one). It’s a fun story and people never know how to react.

Again, it’s hard to tell but this one is me
But I digress …. the point is these are two special ladies in my life. I was super bummed when they moved away from Iowa, but I’m so thankful I was able to do life with them while they were here. This sculpture walk was one of our many outings.
We had so much fun exploring the many sculptures.

He has a great fast ball!
And posing with the sculptures.
There are so many great sculptures and we didn’t even see all of them!
River City Sculptures on Parade is a non-profit group with a vision to bring a significant display of public art to Mason City.
They are in a partnership with SculptureOne which also has similar sculpture programs in Sioux Falls, SD, Mankato, MN and Eau Claire, WI.
River City Sculptures on Parade is a 1.6 mile walk designed to lead participants on a looping route to the Cultural Crescent and back to the central core of Mason City.
The sculptures are owned by the artists and loaned to the exhibit for one year.
They’re all so different and they’re all so unique!
I had so much fun walking around Mason City and checking them out.
Have you check out the sculpture walk? What’s your favorite sculpture?
I should bring the kids around to checkout all the sculptures sometime this summer. Is there a map or brochure that can be downloaded? My kids love following maps! My favorite is the 76 trombones sculpture. It is just so iconic for Mason City!
Two years ago I had to laugh because the sculpture across the road from my mother-in-law’s hair salon she goes to had a “bad hair day” something or another sculpture from it. I’m not sure the salon appreciated it or took it as an insult.
They do have a map because Beth Ann had one. I’m not entirely sure where she got it though – it was not downloaded.
Ah—my favorite daughters! I need to do some more sculpture walk posts as well! I My all time favorite will always be the one in front of the library with the girl reading —reminds me of my younger days! Thanks for the walk down memory lane and for the wonderful day we had !
I loved that one too! We need another mother and daughters day 🙂
Great photos and nice to see you, your mom, and twin, too.