Most Truck Drivers are Polite
This past weekend I was at a race with my friend and her daughters. We were there all day and had just headed down to the fan walk in the middle of the racetrack.
We had such a great time and were getting ready to head back to the parking lot. A lot of the fans had been drinking all day long and we happened to sit by one on the tram back.
He and his buddy were talking and their language was not something 2 little girls needed to be hearing or adults for that matter. I gave him a look and he apologized. Then he added, “I’m sorry, I’m just a truck driver”
Wait, what?!
What on earth does that have to do with it? I actually answered him, “So, I’m a truck driver too.” He did not have a response for me.
I know some people get nervous around truck drivers, but they get a bad rep. Most drivers are courteous in the truck stops, on the CB’s, and on the road.
Now, there are exceptions of course and there are some terribly rude truckers. There are also some terribly rude non truckers. My point is that there are more polite ones than not.
Have you heard the saying Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover?
Sometimes drivers are dirty and sweaty on the outside. They drive all day and often help unload the freight they’ve carried. They also check their engines and the truck daily before getting on the road which can leave them dirty. Rather than turning up your nose, next time get to know the driver under the dirt and sweat.
Safe travels!
Good point that applies to everyone–not just truck drivers. We judge others so harshly by their appearance but language is one thing that is something you can definitely do something about. Using foul language when there are young kids present is inexcusable, imho.