Meet GoGo and Honey Lemon from #BigHero6Event
Interview with Jamie Chung and Genesis Rodriguez

I’ve been telling you about how awesome Big Hero 6 is, have you seen it yet?! I love the two female characters- GoGo and Honey Lemon. I think they’re great “super heroes” for little girls (and boys) to look up to. I had a chance to sit down with some other bloggers to interview them.
We asked them what their favorite part was about playing their characters. Jamie said that her character, GoGo doesn’t say a lot but when she does “it’s very on point and quite sassy.” She described her as the female version of Clint Eastwood. She had a lot of fun with the character.

When asked if they dressed like their character Genesis shared that she did dress like Honey Lemon in her audition. “What’s weird is that I did the audition exactly like Honey Lemon and I hadn’t seen the character at all. I took a very bold fashion choice; I did socks in heels, an undershirt, and then a dress over it. I don’t know why I went like that and then I saw Honey Lemon and the way she dressed and then this is freaky. I couldn’t have planned it better.”

They’ve both been huge Disney fans all of their lives. They’ve also both been Princesses. Jamie shared with us how she would literally would comb her red hair in restaurants as Ariel. “It’s like a dream come true to be able to play these strong Female Characters and bring that down to future Generations.”
When asked if they had ever voiced an Animated Character before Jamie shared that she had never done anything on this caliber. “You know, once you’ve done a Disney Animation Film, it’s like kind of the top of the top, you know what I mean?”

Jamie continued sharing that she loves that there is no stereotype in this film. “You know, it kind of breaks all of those boundaries in terms of being a Nerd and not being cool. This is the absolute opposite of that. In terms of strong female characters, like Honey Lemon and Go Go, they are so different from each other and yet they both represent strength in their own way. What’s great about Disney is they’re not like a Cookie Cutter example of a strong woman. They both come in different shapes and sizes. That’s what I love about this.”

We asked them about their favorite scene in the movie with theirr Character. Jamie’s favorite scene included what she called the best line in the whole movie – “Woman Up”. Genesis loved the car chase scene.
We also asked them who their favorite characters where in the movie other than their character and Baymax. Genesis thought Fred was hysterical and Jamie’s chose Wasabi – she especially loved his scream.

Genesis shared that the movie is a lesson about doing the right thing. Jamie added that even though it’s a Superhero Movie it stresses the importance of education and Science. “I love that the message that it sends is that intelligence and smarts is not sex biased, no more is it race biased. You know, everyone’s equal and everyone has that same opportunity to reach that milestone in terms of education. So I think it’s cool to part of that and also in terms of 10, 20, 30 years from now, this Movie still will be relevant.”

Genesis added “I was so excited for a movie to talk about Robots and Technology. I was into Robotics too and I’m an official Nerd. I hope girls especially will be wanting after this movie, to be the first ones to raise their hands in class and realize that being smart is empowering. Robotics is cool. Science is cool.”

How cool! & I LOVE the nails!
Looks like a lot of fun!