Learning the History of Hampton, IA
“Disregard for the past will never do us any good. Without it we cannot know truly who we are.”
-Syd Moore
I’m kind of a nerd – My husband may correct that to “totally a nerd” but that’s a whole other post. I love to learn and I especially love history. I like learning where we’ve come from, why we do what we do, how we got from point A to point B, etc.

Tim & Lisa of the Walking Tourists, Me, Jeni of Jeni Eats, Nick & Bethany (and their girls) from Sawdust & Embryos, Beth Ann & Chris from It’s Just Life, and Larry from Musings of a Pig Farmer
I had the opportunity to tour the Franklin Co Historical Museum in Hampton, IA with a group on other local bloggers during their #FrankCoHarvest Tour. We were given a bit of a tour of the museum and then they let us loose to explore on our own.
There was so much squeezed into this museum that I could spend all day there.
There was clothing, knick knacks, furniture and more from various decades.
I loved the 4H section too. I never had 4H and I am so fascinated and quite frankly a little jealous my childhood missed out on the experience. This dollhouse was a 4H project.
There was a case filled with memorabilia from the past.
There was also a whole section dedicated to Hampton’s very own Admiral William D. Leahy.
Just when I thought I had been through the whole museum there was another hidden section! There was huge furniture, motorcycles, stage coaches, and more!
I was also really excited about the farm equipment.
It was such a great experience and I really don’t think I absorbed all they had to offer. I definitely need to head back. What do you like about learning about history?
So glad you enjoyed your time!!
Thanks for continuing to share about the Franklin County Harvest Bloggers Tour! 4-H is a huge part of Iowa’s history so I love how they have a section about 4-H. I love learning about how and why different cultures arrived in America when and where they did.
That was such a fun weekend. I am ready to go back with you guys!