7 Packing Tips for Easy Travel
I love to travel and I do it quite often. The more I travel the better I’ve gotten at packing. This helps me stick to a check on bag for most trips which saves money on checked bag fees and time because I don’t have to wait at the baggage claim. Here’s a few tips I’ve picked up.
Often when packing I feel like it’s a struggle to pack everything I want. I either run out of room or I have to switch to a bigger suitcase. At least that was the case until I picked up a few tips that helped me save space.
7 Packing Tips for Easy Travel
1. Rolling your clothes instead of folding them will to save tons of baggage space. I’m not sure why it works, but it does. l put it it to the test and was even able to pack a few extra outfits due to the space I saved!
2. If you have any delicate items you want to pack you can still roll them. Just wrap them in tissue paper. This will keep them from getting wrinkled or crushed.
3. When you throw all your jewelry in a baggy it can cause frustration when you go to grab a necklace and it’s knotted with others. I have found that using a pill container to keep them separated works really well.
4. Packing whites? Put a shower cap around your shoes to make sure the dirty soles don’t end up getting surrounding clothes dirty, too.
5. I also always pack safety pins and extra plastic grocery bags. You never know when they might come in handy. You can roll the bags up and I just hook the safety pins on the zipper of my suitcase.
6. If you want to protect any fragile products (glass foundations, fragrances), pack them inside your sneakers to cushion and protect them. If you aren’t opting for sneakers on your vacation, wrap each fragile item inside a pair of rolled socks.
7. Placing a dryer sheet at the bottom of your suitcase will also keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean during travel.
Hope these tips help! Do you have a traveling tip? Please leave it in the comment section below.
Happy Traveling!
Very helpful tips. I don’t get to travel much but this will be good to know next time I do!
Thanks for sharing.
Great idea about putting fabric softner sheets in your suitcase!
Great tips and the rolling up thing really does work. I agree- not sure why, but it does! BTW- It’s been fun traveling with you the past month now and then.
I always pack too much but at least I’m organized.
These are great tips! I especially like the one about putting your jewelry into those divided pill boxes!
These are great tips! I especially like the one about putting your jewelry into those divided pill cases!
I love these tips for packing
Best tip: Take out everything you think you need … then get rid of at least half of it and you will STILL have too much … LOL … especially when you are lugging that suitcase around airports or train stations … pack things that are hand washable and dry easily and then you can wash in your hotel basin and hang over shower rack … nobody is going to see you in the same outfit twice and so what if they do. Make sure that you love whatever you take, that it fits you well and you are comfortable in it 🙂 Happy travels.
I stick my shoes in either a shower cap or a plastic shopping bag so nothing gets dirty from the soles. I also stuff socks, bras, and anything that will fit inside the shoes to save space.
Another great tip!
Great tips! Heard about the rolling of the clothes, but I just couldn’t believe it so I haven’t tried it. I guess, I’ll try it next time. Must be rolling eliminates any air pockets between the clothes.
My tip is an old one, I pick three colors for the clothes I bring so that I can mix and match what I wear and I layer what I wear on the plane so I have extra clothing.
I love that tip!
Actually, one tip that you didn’t mention…is to put all of your creams, lotions, shampoo’s and conditioner’s, in separate Ziploc bags!!! So, if they explode, they don’t get all over your clothes and things!!!
That’s a great tip! Thanks for sharing 🙂