Zip Lining at Gravity Trails
One of my favorite activities is zip lining. From the first time I ever tried it I had a blast and I will go any time I have a chance.
During our recent trip to Door County, WI we (the North Iowa Bloggers and I) headed over to the Egg Harbor Fun Park to zip with Gravity Trails.
I have to be honest with you when we first arrived I was a little bummed. I only saw two poles and thought we were just zipping from one to the other. You know the saying “Never judge a book by it’s cover” that holds true for zip lines too.
The four of us put on our gear and awaited instructions. Personally, I think we look pretty cute.
See the slats going up to the platform everyone is standing on? We got there by climbing up a rock wall! It wasn’t bad at all and I have to say it was a really cool way to start the course. I offered to go first out of our group of 4.
There were 4 zip lines and they were each a little different. I did try jumping and off course going across with out holding on.
This was not my first time so I started out by letting go. Actually I also did that on my first time too. I have been zip lining with others who were nervous though and I just want to reassure you that our guides were amazing!
They explained everything to us and reassured us.
One of us didn’t make it all the way over and zipped back to the center. They told us that there’s usually one in every group. Hey, it makes for a great story and great pics! As soon as it happened Ben readjusted and headed out on his rescue mission. The upper arm strength was incredible. I mean I would have to tell you “Hang on and I’ll go get someone.” I guess that’s why I write and don’t lead zip line tours.
I had a fantastic time and highly recommend it! Gravity Tours also offers kayaking tours and Gem Mining.
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This looks like a blast!! I am definitely going to try it one day.The guides were pretty darn cute too,haha!
Zip lining is at the top of my bucket list.
You’re very adventurous. I’d be afraid to do half the things you do. I’m sure it’s fun once you’re there. High places scare me.
I have never gone zip lining but it is on my bucket list! Looks so fun. Your smile tells it all!
I’ve never been zip lining, but it looks like it might be fun! Kind of… 😉
It’s super fun!! Totally 😉
I had an awesome time there !!!