Soothe & Calm Cucumber Mask

I have such sensitive skin and with the extreme weather changes it seems to affect my skin even more. I had tried numerous over the counter products and my skin stays dry and irritated. I have been trying to eat more cleanly and I’ve also been trying to natural cures when I’m not feeling 100% Things have been going really well, except for my face. I’m in my 30’s and I feel like my skin thinks it’s in high school. I decided a natural take on things might be best. I actually have a few scrubs and masks now that I really like and will share with you. Today, I wanted to tell you about the Soothe & Calm Cucumber Mask I made.

The ingredients are very easy and can be found in any grocery store.
- Cucumber (about two inches thick slice peeled and chopped)
- 1/2 teaspoon Avocado Oil
- 1 cup brown sugar
I took all the ingredients and through them in a food processor. I then poured them in a cute Ball jar (I found mine at Target)

That’s it! It was super simple. It is a little runny but it will thicken up. I just put a thin coat on my face let it set for about 5 minutes and wash it off. It is very restorative and great for my sensitive skin!
Another bonus of doing a DIY beauty mask is that you know what goes in it. If any little ones get a hold of it you won’t have to worry. It may not taste that great, but it’s not harmful!
This sounds like a great one to try and all great ingredients. Thanks for the information on this. Will be trying.
So creative you are, Donna!
I love masks for my skin myself. My family is always joking when they see me walking in a colorful mask! I usually do a quick one made out of berries or cucumbers while I am in the kitchen cooking.
Awesome recipe. Thank you, my beautiful friend!
I also have sensitive skin…I can not wait to try this! ty so much 🙂
That looks easy to make as well as affordable! I’m going to have to try it!!
It seriously takes less than 15 minutes! The avocado oil is a little pricey, but lasts forever.
That looks like it is amazing for your skin! I will have to try this- Thank you 🙂
It really is! My skin has been doing so great after using this 🙂