Driving through the Flames
As you’ve seen from some of my past posts you never know what you’ll encounter while driving down the highway which is another reason why you should be careful and pay attention. My husband and I used to team drive all across the country. We saw and experienced quite a bit.
During one trip I was driving on I-20 through Ranger, TX. I was driving and listening to my music like I always did. Along the way I noticed a huge cloud of smoke. It was really huge and really dark. I could see it coming from miles away. Well it turned out that it was a forest fire. In fact, it was the beginning of one. It seemed it had just started. There was fire on the grass, trees, and even the grass in the median. They hadn’t even closed the interstate yet. I did see emergency vehicles coming in my side mirrors.
This footage is from our dash cam that runs while we drive. You can see the thick smoke and the fire in the grass. It’s crazy because the more I thought about it, those flames could have caught a car on fire or even a tanker. I know they close roads when stuff like this happens, but I never really thought about being there when it started before they close it.
It just goes to show you that you never know what will happen. It’s important to not only watch what you’re doing, but also to keep your eyes on those around you. I remember watching old movies in drivers ed about scanning the road while you were driving. It seemed silly when I was 15, but it makes total sense now. What tips do you have to stay safe on the road?
Safe Travels!
Wow! That’s crazy!
I agree—things that we were taught in driver’s ed seemed non-important but as I get older (and older and older) I realize that there were a lot of great things that were taught. I constantly check my side mirrors and rear view mirror and I always hear my daddy’s voice in my head before I pull out saying “wait until they commit” . Even though someone has their turn signal on to turn does not mean it is actually going to happen.