Deep Excision and Hysterectomy Surgery Day
Surgery Day has finally come. My deep excision of my endometriosis and hysterectomy surgery was scheduled for 10am in the morning and we had to be at the hospital at 8:30am. It was a 2.5 hour drive and we arrived on time. I was fine until I walked through the hospital doors. That’s not true. I was nervous until I walked through the hospital doors. Once I walked through I was super anxious.
The staff at Maple Grove Hospital was fantastic. They even gave me aromatherapy to try to calm me. I was a mess. And it had nothing to do with them. I think I just started thinking about all that was going on and it started to overwhelm me. Thy did a really good job of explaining what was going on and the doctor came in to explain what was going to happen.
I totally did not want my husband to take this picture of me, but I am really glad he was there with me to hold my hand. One thing I wasn’t expecting was a piece of paper I had to sign before the procedure. It was to acknowledge that I understood a hysterectomy was not reversible and I’d be sterile. That stung a bit. I had made my peace with the decision and I have no regrets, but it was difficult signing that paper.
After that they injected part of my anesthesia and wheeled me off to the operating room. I remember them trying to calm me down (yes, even after meds I was still a wreck). Then the next thing I knew I was waking up in a different room and it hurt. They talked to me and tried to keep me awake. They also helped get me to a point where I wasn’t hurting so bad or so nauseous. I was there for about an hour then they moved me to another recovery room.
Here they let my husband join me again. Within the hour I walked (with help from my nurse) to the bathroom, went to the bathroom, and even ate some food. They had me sign some paperwork and I was released.
Surgery was done around 12pm (2 hours) and I was being released around 3pm. The doctor did warn us if we drove the 2.5 hours home I’d be sore, but he gave his okay. We had a hotel room set up, but I really wanted to sleep in my own bed. So we took the drive and I was sore.
My hysterectomy was done laparoscopically rather than abdominal so the healing is much different. I don’t have to be in bed for 6 weeks. I do have restrictions that I’m following, but it should a much quicker recovery.
Before we left the hospital Myles insisted that we stopped by the gift shop. I didn’t want to at all, but I could tell it was important to him. He wanted a keepsake because we were leaving my uterus there. I honestly just didn’t want to think about it. I’m glad I didn’t fight him on this one. We ended up getting this really pretty dragonfly. Sure, I lost my uterus, but I’m now starting a new journey. One where I feel better and my quality of life will be better.
I’m now 2 days post op. I am exhausted and sore. It’s a better feeling now than it was before surgery. I hurt, but it’s a healing pain. And even though I’m exhausted it’s not like before either. I can’t wait to heal and see what it’s like to just be “me” and not have my endometriosis stopping me.
I am resting and following doctors orders 100%.
I heard it’s really sore afterwards. Hopefully you’re doing great now.
It is. It took me a good few weeks to not be in pain, but was sore for about 4 to 6 weeks after. It’s been 10 months and I feel amazing, thank you!