Last Minute Stocking Stuffer
Do you have all your Christmas Shopping done? All of it? If you’re like the majority of us and still looking for a few more gifts I have an easy idea for you! This is also a great idea for Teacher’s Gifts, your mail man, garbage man, or really anyone.

Not only is this an easy idea, but it’s something people can use. I gave them to my volunteers and they loved it!

I found the popcorn boxes on Amazon and purchased the popcorn and movie size candy from Walmart. I put one candy and two bags of popcorn in each box. You can change that up however you want.
The last part of the gift is the movie. I just purchased gift codes from Redbox and wrote them into the card.

I designed the card and you can grab a copy for yourself here! I wrote a little message in the blank space and the check out code in the white box.
That’s it! I told you it was easy.
Have a Merry Christmas!

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