Hauling Paper #TruckerTuesday
There’s a trucking saying that goes “if you got it, a trucker brought it” and it’s totally true. Everything is hauled to and from by truckers – including paper. Often we think of paper as light, at least I always did.
The first time I was ever sent to a paper mill I realized I had been thinking about it all wrong. Paper comes from trees so there were lots of logs and lots of steam from the factory.
When I arrived they had to check my trailer. They had me open the trailer and the guard jumped in and had me shut the door on him. I questioned as to why. Well, I was transporting paper, and not packages of paper, but HUGE rolls of paper and my trailer had to be sealed. When the guard was shut in the trailer if light came in any holes it wasn’t sealed.
Once my trailer was approved I was loaded and sent on my way. Paper is super heavy! I thought it was pretty interesting.
Did you know that’s how paper was shipped from paper mills?
No, I had no idea. Wow, this is amazing. Those rolls are huge. It sure adds some reality, about being frugal with paper and save a tree.
Nope, I did not. But thanks to you, I do now.