3 Must See Documentaries from the
Twin Cities Film Fest
We’ve all done it, binged through the best documentaries Netflix has to offer…but if your selection is coming up short, fear not. The Twin Cities Film Fest is in its seventh year, and has been rolling out some really rad documentaries this year. Here are the three I’ve had a chance to see so far.
1.The Other Kids
The Other Kids is a daring mix of documentary filmmaking, and heart wrenchingly honest storytelling. The result? A true coming of age story, from the perspective of its teen. It reminds me of reality TV, but with way more heart. From my point of view (i.e a recent High School grade) the very fabric of the film is universal, and strikingly familiar. It’s message almost seems to whisper that the true ‘coming of age’ moments are also extremely ordinary and incredible small. If you’re a fan of Boyhood, you’ll really enjoy this one.
2.Night School
Night School is incredible. I’m just going to put that out there first. It centers around three adults who have gone back to school to earn their high school diploma. It’s a story of struggle and triumph, and understanding that we’re not all dealt a good hand in life, but we all have the ability to overcome our circumstance. I felt instantly connected to these individuals, and couldn’t help but root fort hem. Their story is so moving, and I honestly got goosebumps watching it. It still has a screening left, so go go go! Seriously, you won’t regret it. (Also this is 100% Netflix material. So keep your fingers crossed for that??)
3.My Scientology Movie
I’ve been lowkey obsessed with Scientology ever since walking past one of their massive blue buildings in LA, and I’ve watched at least two docs about them. This however was a unique take on a very elusive church. Louis Theroux presents this story in a clever, dynamic, and above all, humorous way. I was laughing out loud for a good part of the film, which was very unexpected, but a welcome shift from the usual perspective. It’s also produced by The BBC, so it’s got all that glitz and glam going for it as well.
Take a look at all these films links! Seriously, spread the word, because they are awesome. I’ve linked the Twin Cities Film Fest ticketing info below, so you can still check some of these out on the big screen.
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