10 Questions for Truckers Part 1 #TruckerTuesday
I came across an interesting article on Ricochet where Pat Sajak asked truckers 10 questions. Not sure if it’s really Pat Sajak or not and this was my first visit to Ricochet, but I decided to answer them. I’m answering the first five questions this week and the last five next week. So here goes:
1. In these days of cell phones and other new technologies, are CB radios still important to you? Do they provide anything that other modern technologies can’t provide, or are they held on to in some sort of “romance of the road” sense?
Yes. My favorite use for CB’s is helping others out on the road. When there’s a back up you can ask what the hold up is, how far the back up is, etc if you’re stuck in it. Also in reverse you can help those going the opposite direction if they ask. If you’re in a new town you can jump on the CB and ask if there’s a Walmart or truck stop near by. You can also ask what food is good around there.
Also, a lot of warehouses still use them. They’ll call your truck number and tell you to go to an open dock. They’re definitely still used and helpful.
2. When kids try to encourage you to blow your horn, do you do it? I assume kids still pull down on an imagery cord imploring you to sound off for them. Do you ever oblige?
Yes, kids definitely still do this. I’ve been told that technically it’s illegal to blow your horn, but I’ve never seen or heard of anyone being pulled over for it. So *hypothetically* if a bus full of kids did ask, I probably would (don’t want to get myself in trouble here).
Also, most of the horns are now a button on the steering wheel like in cars rather than the cords in the older trucks.
3. How much of trucker-to-trucker talk involves things like short skirts spotted in passenger cars? Or is that only in the movies and on TV?
Unfortunately it’s still talked about. It seems to be talked about more in the bigger cities – not sure why. I wish they would stop that.
4. Is the food at truck stops any better or worse than the average food on the road? And, by extension do you guys really know the best places to eat?
Both? It really depends on the truck stop. You can get a lot of fast food and stuff from the “convenient” part of the store. Some have actual sit down restaurants with amazing food. Every time we go through San Francisco there’s a truck stop that has the best garlic fries. I always stop. The rest of their food is amazing too, but my favorite is their fries.
5. What are some of the worst things other drivers do to make your job more difficult or dangerous? I really try to consider truckers when I’m on the road, rather than think of their rigs as merely impediments to my travels.
I wish more people thought like this. I think the biggest danger is cutting of trucks and slamming on your breaks. Please give them space, they can NOT stop as fast as a four wheeler.
Here’s part 2 of the 10 Questions for Truckers.
Do you have any trucker questions? I’d love to hear them! You can email me at [email protected] Put Trucker Tuesday in the subject.
Safe Travels!
I remember trying to get semis to honk their horns too! We eat at our local truck stop quite often. It is always a mix of truckers and locals.
I remember always doing that arm signal for truckers when I was a kid. They usually obliged. 🙂